A simple black silhouette of a butterfly.

Empire Farms Nature Watch Area is the perfect outdoor backdrop

“On a warm afternoon in November of 2021, Chase Webb and his parents toured Land Between the Lakes with me for his senior portrait session. Chase and his dad, Robby, loved LBL and hiking there throughout the year. Chase wanted to commemorate his Senior year in a special way by choosing sites in LBL to use as a backdrop. We stopped at an old school bus first, and then ventured on to the Empire Farms Nature Watch Area.

Empire Farms has two old structures that remain standing as a testament to the family that once inhabited the land before the area was flooded. The barn in this photograph made a remarkable backdrop for Chase and his guitar.”

Amy Wright, Photographer

Land Between the Lakes has so many options for  unique family photos and senior sessions! Visit Amy’s website at www.Wright-Photography.net to find out more.